Summary: An interdisciplinary seminar for all earth scientists and engineers giving practical understanding of the principles and interpretation of geophysical well logs in research applications. We will meet once a week and focus on the fundamentals of well logging methods, including electrical, nuclear, and acoustic measurements. Discussions will involve journal readings on tool physics and their limitations, earth science and industrial field examples, interpretation techniques, and examples of applications (borehole image and fracture analysis, oceanic crust characterization, gas hydrate evaluation, cyclostratigraphy, and others).
Organizers: Alberto Malinverno, Dave Goldberg
General readings (on reserve in Geoscience Library):
Guéguen, Y., and V. Palciauskas (1994), Introduction to the Physics of Rocks, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Hearst, J. R., P. H. Nelson, and F. L. Paillett (2000), Well Logging for Physical Properties, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Jones, E. J. W. (1999), Marine Geophysics, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
1 Introduction to physical properties of rocks and sediments.pdf
2 Introduction to downhole loggin.pdf
3.1 Introduction to scientific ocean drilling and IODP.pdf
3.2 Introduction to scientific ocean drilling and IODPIODP-2.pdf
4 Logging while drilling.pdf
5 Acoustic logging and seismic correlation.pdf
6 Gas hydrate evaluation___Cyclostratigraphy and well logs.pdf
7 Practical exercise at the Lamont wellsite.pdf
8 Geochemical logging.pdf
9 Image and fracture analysis.pdf
10 Stress estimation.pdf
11 Core-log integration.pdf
12 Hydrology.pdf
Guéguen, Y., and V. Palciauskas (1994), Introduction to the Physics of Rocks, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Hearst, J. R., P. H. Nelson, and F. L. Paillett (2000), Well Logging for Physical Properties, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Jones, E. J. W. (1999), Marine Geophysics, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Goldberg, D. (1997), The role of downhole measurements in marine geology and geophysics, Rev. Geophys., 35, 315-342
Brewer, T. et al. (2004), Scientific deep-ocean drilling: Revealing the Earth’s secrets, Oilfield Review, Winter 2004/2005, 24-37
Ocean Drilling Program Final Technical Report 1983-2007.
Bonner, S., et al. (1996), Resistivity While Drilling - Images from the String, Oilfield Review, Spring 1996, 4-19.
Adolph, B., et al. (2005), No More Waiting: Formation Evaluation While Drilling, Oilfield Review, Autumn 2005, 4-21.
Peterson, R. A. et al. (1955), The synthesis of seismograms from well log data, Geophysics, 20, 516-538.
Wuenschel, P. C. (1960), Seismogram synthesis including multiples and transmission coefficients, Geophysics, 25, 106-129.
Harrison, A. R. et al. (1990), Acquisition and analysis of sonic waveforms from a borehole monopole and dipole source for the determination of compressional and shear speeds and their relation to rock mechanical properties and surface seismic data, Paper SPE 20557, 65th Annual Tecnical Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Christie, P. et al. (1995), Borehole seismic data sharpen the reservoir image, Oilfield Review, Winter 1995, 18-31.
Haldorsen, J. B. U. et al. (2006), Borehole acoustic waves, Oilfield Review, Spring 2006, 34-43.
Collett, T. S. and Ladd, J. (2000), Detection of gas hydrate with downhole logs and assessment of gas hydrate concentrations (saturations) and gas volumes on the Blake Ridge with electrical resistivity data, Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, v. 164, p. 179-191.
deMenocal, P. B., et al. (1992), Paleoclimatic applications of downhole logs: Pliocene-Pleistocene results from Hole 798B, Sea of Japan, Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, v. 127/128, Part 1, p. 393-407.
Burgdorff, K. and Goldberg, D. (2001), Petrophysical characterization and natural fracturing in an olivine-dolerite aquifer, Electronic Geosciences, 6:3.
Herron, M. M. and Matteson, A. (1993), Elemental composition and nuclear parameters of some common sedimentary minerals, Nuclear Geophysics, 7, 383-406.
Herron, S. L. and Herron, M. M. (1996), Quantitative lithology: An application for open and cased hole spectroscopy, Trans. SPWLA 37th Annual Logging Symposium, Paper
Herron, S. L. and Herron, M. M. (2000), Application of nuclear spectroscopy logs to the derivation of formation matrix density, Trans. SPWLA 41st Annual Logging Symposium, Paper JJ.
Poulin, M. et al. (2006), Deepwater core comparison with answers from a real-time petrophysical evaluation, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, April 2006, 165-171